Cemetery Information
For cemetery and burial information please contact:
Township Clerk: Sandra Rickli - Office: 269-668-6910, Cell: 269-491-0921.
Current Fees
Grave Site Fees
- Resident - $100
- Non-resident - $1,000
Full Vault Opening/Closing
- Resident - $500
- Non-resident - $500
Cremation Opening/Closing
- Resident - $200
- Non-resident - $200
Weekend/Holiday Fee
- Weekend - $75
- Holiday - $100
Payment for grave plots and grave openings must
be made in advance of the funeral.
Almena and Covey Hill Cemetery Permitted Decorations
- All real or artificial flowers must be placed in an
unbreakable container or urn, (no more than two per site). And must be placed
only left/right side of stone
- No perennial plantings
- Shepherd’s hook for hanging flower baskets only,
centered directly behind the stone.
- A headstone floral saddle may also be used.
- Legal veteran flags.
- No glass items of any kind are permitted.
- Nothing is to be placed in front of the stone.
- Winter wreaths may be placed on a stand as of
November 15th. Must be removed by March 15th.
Any decorations other than the above are not allowed
All non-conforming decorations will be removed.
Real or artifical flowers in pots, hung on a Shepherd's hook, or in a stone
saddle are the only decorations allowed.
No artificial flowers are to be put in the ground - in pots only, no
stake-type vases allowed. If your plants die they will be removed. If
your pot is broken it will also be removed.
Example of some of the things that we remove:
Solar lights, wind chimes, bird houses, signs, garden flags, bells, breakable items,
things that are wound around the Shepherd's hook, and artificial flowers stuck in the ground.
Almena Township is not responsible for items that have been stolen from sites.
The Almena Cemetery and Covey Hill Cemetery are closed at sunset.